Pokec Diskusia o nadchádzajúcich updatoch


podla mna to resetne len čo maš prijate v knihe uloh....iste nie celu seriu/quest/

to viem, ze len prijatu cast toho celeho questu a potom ich prijmem znovu budem pokracovat tam kde som (jak pred zmenou na verziu 2.0, tam to tiez tak islo) len s nulovou hodnotou odrobenych hodin

mam prijate:
Osud Cunning.(noc) - ochrana osadnickych vyprav 3/10
Nadej zomiera posledna (vyjednavanie) - vyjednavanie o mieri 3/8

takze stratim odrobene hodiny v tychto dvoch ulohach

kebyze mame aspon dva dni do zmeny tak to stiham, ak to prebehne zajtra tak asi stihnem dokoncit len vyjednavanie


to viem, ze len prijatu cast toho celeho questu a potom ich prijmem znovu budem pokracovat tam kde som (jak pred zmenou na verziu 2.0, tam to tiez tak islo) len s nulovou hodnotou odrobenych hodin

mam prijate:
Osud Cunning.(noc) - ochrana osadnickych vyprav 3/10
Nadej zomiera posledna (vyjednavanie) - vyjednavanie o mieri 3/8

takze stratim odrobene hodiny v tychto dvoch ulohach

kebyze mame aspon dva dni do zmeny tak to stiham, ak to prebehne zajtra tak asi stihnem dokoncit len vyjednavanie

možem poradit jediné....obetovat UPD a kupit matovy čaj na energiu :)


ako to myslia?
Crafting is instant now - the 5 minute craft time has been removed.

viete niekto?


chcem sa spytat, ako to budes tymi ulohami... dnes som zacal robit 48 hodinovy maraton Vyjednavania o miery a mam asi tak 12 hodin za sebou... bude sa to pocitat? alebo sa to vynuluje a pojdem znova od zaciatku?
je to pre mna dolezite vediet, ci mam v tych pracach pokracovat, alebo az po update...


chcem sa spytat, ako to budes tymi ulohami... dnes som zacal robit 48 hodinovy maraton Vyjednavania o miery a mam asi tak 12 hodin za sebou... bude sa to pocitat? alebo sa to vynuluje a pojdem znova od zaciatku?
je to pre mna dolezite vediet, ci mam v tych pracach pokracovat, alebo az po update...

kniha uloh sa vymaze a ulohy budes musiet prijat odznovu


Linteo, v tutoriáli, podstatné mená cudzieho pôvodu sa skloňujú s -i v L a N m.č. -y ) Poznámka na margo, inak som spokojná :)

L: Ďakujem za upozornenie :)

Deleted User - 4

Zmeny v receptoch
(po anglicky)

Production of charcoal (1Wood, 1Granite blocks)
Preparation of corn flour (1Corn, 1Granite blocks)
Jug of water (1Glass of water, 1Jug)
Stew beans and bacon (1Beans, 1Ham, 1Charcoal, 1Pan)
Cook jam (2Blueberries, 1Charcoal, 2Sugar)
Prepare mash (1Sugar, 1Grain, 1Jug of water)
Instructions: Dough (1Flour, 1Jug of water)
Instructions: Marinate a steak (1T-Bone-Steak, 1Saltpeter, 1Rum)
Instructions: Brew liquor (2Tequila, 1Canteen, 1Blueberries)
Instructions: Bake a cake (1Berries, 2Dough)
Instructions: Brew a fish stock (1Trout, 1Salmon, 1Crab meat)
Instructions: Prepare a roast turkey (1Turkey, 2Berries, 1Charcoal, 1Oranges)
Cook fish soup (1Tomato puree, 1Fish stock)
Cook vegetable dumplings (1Pumpkin, 1Potato, 1Dough)
Prepare mince (2Ham, 1Knife, 1Chopping Board)
Prepare dried cod (1Trout, 1Spike)
Produce incense (4Tobacco, 1Cigarettes, 2Berries)
Prepare sauce (1Tomato puree, 1Pumpkin)
A fish wrapped in newspaper (4Salmon, 4Leather, 2Newspaper 'The Western Star')
Cook gentleman's dinner (2Cigars, 3Whiskey, 1Newspaper 'The Western Star')
Prepare tinderbox (1Fool's gold, 1Granite blocks, 1Cotton)
Extract sulfur (1Sulfuric rock)
Instructions: Extract resin (1Saw, 1Jug)
Instructions: Produce pipe brush (1Oil, 1Raven feather, 1Roll of cloth)
Instructions: Prepare stomach medicine (1Chalk, 2Tinderbox)
Instructions: Produce sulfuric acid (1Hay, 1Sulfur)
Instructions: Prepare ink (1Indigo, 1Whiskey)
Instructions: Prepare petroleum (1Oil, 1Hay, 1Uncut pyrite)
Instructions: Create an idol (2Coyote tooth, 2Uncut pyrite, 1Tinderbox)
Instructions: Prepare various distillates (1Oil, 3Wood, 1Canteen)
Instructions: Prepare moonshine (3Potato, 2Sugar, 1Tinderbox, 4Grain)
Instructions: Tea blend (3Berries, 1Jug of water)
Instructions: Mix chewing tobacco (1Tobacco, 2Wood, 1Resin)
Instructions: Brew fruit liqueur (1Tequila, 5Oranges, 1Chopping Board)
Instructions: Create battery (1Roll of wire, 2Oranges)
Instructions: Prepare lye (3Wood, 1Glass of water, 1Charcoal, 1Uncut pyrite)
Instructions: Brew herbal brew (1Lotus blossom, 1Glass of water)
Instructions: Recycle paper (5Newspaper 'The Western Star', 1Jug of water)
Instructions: Construct a pair of compasses (3Spike, 2Lasso)
Instructions: Prepare rose water (2Rose, 2Whiskey)
Instructions: Create a pan (1Iron rod, 1Hammer)
Instructions: Melt iron (1Iron rod, 1Wood)
Instructions: Create a knife (1Hammer, 1Molten Iron, 1Granite blocks)
Instructions: Create a bayonet (3Cotton, 1Leather, 1Knife)
Instructions: Prepare a weightstone (2Granite blocks, 1Molten Iron)
Instructions: Cast steel (1Coal, 1Molten Iron)
Instructions: Melt lead (1Lead, 1Charcoal)
Instructions: Create an anvil (1Graphite, 1Steel, 1Tinderbox)
Instructions: Create lead figurine (3Wood, 1Lead, 1Charcoal)
Instructions: Cast a marble (1Semi-precious stones, 1Resin)
Instructions: Produce rivets (3Nails, 1Hammer)
Instructions: Create a hilt (2Barbed wire, 2Beaver skin)
Instructions: Create a cooling cloth (2Wool, 2Roll of wire, 1Glass of water)
Instructions: Create a weapon chain (2Roll of wire, 1Tooth bracelet)
Instructions: Create a handle (1Wood, 1Saw, 1Nails, 1Resin)
Instructions: Create a revolver mould (1Hammer, 2Coal, 2Graphite, 1Molten Iron)
Instructions: Cast a steel blade (1Sledge hammer, 2Coal, 1Steel)
Instructions: Make an ornament (1Gold dust)
Instructions: Open a geode (1Granite blocks, 1Saw, 1Sledge hammer)
Instructions: Create a polishing stone (1Granite blocks, 2Oil, 1Buffalo skin)
Instructions: Create a canteen (1Horn of a cow, 1Beaver skin)
Instructions: Create a leather strap (1Tanned leather, 1Sickle)
Instructions: Create a chopping board (1Wood)
Instructions: Shoe a hoof (1Horseshoe, 2Nails, 1Hammer)
Instructions: Prepare concentrate (3Grain, 3Hay, 3Glass of water, 2Berries)
Instructions: Strip the covering from a saddle (1Saddle, 1Knife)
Instructions: Prepare filling (2Wool, 4Cotton, 4Grain)
Instructions: Prepare leather cover (1Snake skin, 1Resin)
Instructions: Branding Iron (1Iron rod, 2Coal, 2Hay, 1Tinderbox)
Instructions: Produce a compass frame (1Glass of water, 1Nails)
Instructions: Construct a stirrup (1Iron rod, 1Sledge hammer, 1Leather Strap)
Instructions: Construct a spur (3Barbed wire, 1Quarter, 1Saw)
Instructions: Construct a bridle (2Lasso, 1Roll of wire, 1Chopping Board)
Instructions: Sew sleeping bag (3Hay, 1Roll of cloth, 2Puma skin)
Instructions: Sew horse blanket (1Buffalo skin, 1Beaver skin, 1Knife)
Instructions: Ornamentation of leather products (1Semi-precious stones, 1Lead, 1Silver)
Instructions: Construct a wagon part (3Wood, 2Nails, 1Hammer)
Instructions: Construct a wagon wheel (2Iron rod, 3Wood, 1Nails)
Instructions: Brew aiming elixir (2Whiskey, 1Elixir, 1Canteen)
Instructions: Create gem-studded saddle pommel (2Semi-precious stones, 1Resin)
Instructions: Sew a travel bag (2Wool, 1Cotton)
Instructions: Roll a cigarette (1Tobacco, 1Poster, 1Coal)
Instructions: Sharpen a blade (1Granite blocks, 2Cotton)
Instructions: Bake slice of cake (1Flour, 1Sugar, 1Berries)
Instructions: Cook tomato puree (1Granite blocks, 1Tomato)
Instructions: Cook tomato sauce (1Tomato puree)
Instructions: Cook baked beans (1Tomato sauce, 1Beans)
Instructions: Cut rough pyrite (1Fool's gold)
Instructions: Create pyrite disc (1Uncut pyrite)
Instructions: Create an amulet (1Pyrite disc, 1Raven feather)
Instructions: Extract graphite (1Coal)
Instructions: Crush graphite powder (1Graphite)
Instructions: Mix graphite lubricant (1Graphite powder, 1Wool)
Instructions: Tan leather (1Leather)
Instructions: Sew a leather bag (1Tanned leather)
Instructions: Create a feed bag (1Leather bag, 1Grain)
Instructions: Dry meat (6Ham, 4T-Bone-Steak, 4Saltpeter, 6Whiskey)
Instructions: Brew goulash (1Marinated steak, 1Tomato puree, 1Coal, 1Cooking pot)
Instructions: Cook spare ribs (4T-Bone-Steak, 4Sauce, 4Charcoal)
Instructions: Prepare canned beans (7Beans, 3Steel, 12Granite blocks, 12Coal, 5Hammer)
Instructions: Cook the hottest chili in the West (1Habanero chilis, 4Canned beans, 7Mince, 5Coal)
Instructions: Mix snake oil (1Snake skin, 1Lye, 1Sulfuric rock)
Instructions: Mix hair lotion (1Battery, 1Petroleum, 1Puma skin)
Instructions: Brew fine liquor (1Moonshine, 1Herb liqueur, 1Jug)
Instructions: Glowing mixture (1Snake oil, 3Incense, 2Lotus blossom, 3Oil)
Instructions: Fabled antidote (1Cobra teeth, 4Glowing mixture, 4Coal, 5Herb liqueur)
Instructions: Mix fine dubbin (1Oil, 1Lotus blossom, 1Oranges)
Instructions: Prepare robust reins (1Leather Strap, 1Ornament)
Instructions: Create ornate holster (1Tanned leather, 1Filling, 1Leather covering)
Instructions: Weightless leather (1Fine dubbin, 3Lye, 5Tanned leather, 3Leather covering)
Instructions: Pony express saddlery (1Cossack saddle blanket, 4Weightless leather, 5Ornament, 6Buffalo skin)
Instructions: Cast rust-proof bolts (1Molten Lead, 1Molten Iron, 1Steel)
Instructions: Create hip flask (1Silver, 1Anvil)
Instructions: Create modern armour (1Molten Iron, 1Rivets, 2Anvil)
Instructions: Watchmaker's tools (2Sickle, 2Stirrup, 2Steel Blade, 3Barbed wire, 1Rust-proof bolts)
Instructions: Golden music box (1Gold-plated cogwheels, 4Watchmaker's tools, 4Pocket watch, 5Roll of wire)[/SPOIL]

Deleted User - 4











Deleted User - 4

Takto bude vyzerať tá obrazovka s novým prihlasovacím bonusom
(dostanete nuggety za prihlásenie, juhú)



Linteo, môžem sa niečo opýtať? Ak som prijala úlohu Otca Browna, to šírenie viery v nedeľu a ak som ho vykonala, len tú úlohu nesplnila, lebo mi zmizla,ale mám ju zarátanú ako splnenú, tak po update ju mám v .......?)) http://prntscr.com/1645c9
Ďakujem vopred za Tvoju vyčerpávajúcu odpoveď ))


Ja mám otázku (ak je to nová záhada hry a TW-Team na ňu nemôže odpovedať nevadí :) ), pri hľadaní kľúča budem potrebovať stále 730 a viac Pracovných Bodov?
Prípadne aké zmeny tam nastávajú?
Ďakujem za odpoveď.