Noc a deň

Páči sa Ti tento návrh?

  • Celkový počet hlasujúcich
  • Anketa je uzavretá .
Uzavreté pre ďalšie odpovede.


Night and day
A few words of introduction ...
I think this idea has already been, but was not confirmed and revised. For this idea has inspired Wild strains (another game from Innogames)

What is hair
I would like to in The-West distinction was day and night (as in reality). 22:00 From any game occurred in the night. It looked like it did, as it looks now, but:

• Everything should be a little darker
• The seats were added to the lamp or flash-lights, which in the cities lit at night and would be seen on the Minimap
• The more the city could receive, the more it is lighted
• The work should remain a little brighter, in the dark to distinguish between
• In duels: the higher should the attacker the ability to hide, the greater the chance of hitting it - as would lurk, used the moment of surprise which would operate only at night. 1 secretion by adding 0.5 to the accuracy / Operational ... So where should an attacker to hide 20, 10 should be on greater accuracy than the normal
• In duels: the higher should be back TRAPS ambush ability, the greater the chance of hitting it - would expect that the night is not peaceful. Therefore, leghold traps attacker and the attacker should be about 0.5 to less accuracy ... So if the defender had decoy traps 20, the attacker would have 10 less accurate than normal
• The night would have been slower to 10% (eg potkýnal would be, would err ,...)
• At night, you should be able to challenge a wandering thug, that would be NPC. Damage should give according to your current weapon. If you would muzzle (15-31) gave the damage 15-31. Should be controlled Supportom to make it change every day uhýbanie and shot a very could not predict where attacks. Bandit should always be in possession of $ 100 so if you win, you could take him 50 $ 33 + experience. The bandit appeared every night in some city ... Figure in duels would be a classic bandit

Night would be closed for example. about 06:00 and then would continue as normal now. I know that this is only a trifle, but still it would be another thing because that would be The West, more similar to real life

Tak, tu to máte, teraz to už len dajte na net fórum....


To si prekladal cez google translator, však? :D Radšej to nechaj odborníkom z teamu ;)
Naposledy upravené moderátorom:


ok nechajme jednosmerne ucty nech su ja ich neuznavam ale je to kazdeho vec, no ale som zasadne proti aby sa takyto hraci miesali do duelov - ked chce prace - nech ma ucet aky chce, v poriadku, ale nerozumiem preco by mal niekto kto zaklada podobne ucty mat obrovsku vyhodu v dueli prakticky zadarmo a mat napr. lepsiu presnost alebo uhybanie ako niekto kto dueluje a tvrdo drie aby bol v dueli dobry
priklad takyto hrac bude mat skryvat 227(alebo tak) a ine nic,v noci vyzve dobreho duelanta s presnostou 55 a takto vyhra prakticky zadarmo
TOTO sa mi na tom nepaci


ok nechajme jednosmerne ucty nech su ja ich neuznavam ale je to kazdeho vec, no ale som zasadne proti aby sa takyto hraci miesali do duelov - ked chce prace - nech ma ucet aky chce, v poriadku, ale nerozumiem preco by mal niekto kto zaklada podobne ucty mat obrovsku vyhodu v dueli prakticky zadarmo a mat napr. lepsiu presnost alebo uhybanie ako niekto kto dueluje a tvrdo drie aby bol v dueli dobry
priklad takyto hrac bude mat skryvat 227(alebo tak) a ine nic,v noci vyzve dobreho duelanta s presnostou 55 a takto vyhra prakticky zadarmo
TOTO sa mi na tom nepaci

ta vyhoda s tym skryvanim by bola len tak, ze 1/3 z toho, alebo ako brana len, inak by to bolo o nicom, to hej


ok nechajme jednosmerne ucty nech su ja ich neuznavam ale je to kazdeho vec, no ale som zasadne proti aby sa takyto hraci miesali do duelov - ked chce prace - nech ma ucet aky chce, v poriadku, ale nerozumiem preco by mal niekto kto zaklada podobne ucty mat obrovsku vyhodu v dueli prakticky zadarmo a mat napr. lepsiu presnost alebo uhybanie ako niekto kto dueluje a tvrdo drie aby bol v dueli dobry
priklad takyto hrac bude mat skryvat 227(alebo tak) a ine nic,v noci vyzve dobreho duelanta s presnostou 55 a takto vyhra prakticky zadarmo
TOTO sa mi na tom nepaci

ty nechapes ze ked mas 227 skryvanie ale nemas ani presnost ani uhybanie ani reflexi ani huzevnatost ani vystupovanie ze si proti duelantovy ani neprdnes aj s takym bonusom


Už je anketa uzavretá... Môžem poprosiť o preklad môjho nápadu? Spravil by som si to aj sám keby som vedel po nemecky alebo anglicky... A Google prekladač to preloží na hov*n*
Naposledy upravené moderátorom:


velmi dobry napad keby bola anketa otvorena tak by som dal jednoznacne ano ale jedna vec mi vadí:
V noci by ťa mohol napadnúť nejaký potulný Bandita, ktorý by bol NPC. Poškodenie by dával podľa tvojej momentálnej zbrane. Ak by si mal Predovku (15-31), dával by poškodenie 15-31.

ze napriklad zachvilku je noc a ja niesom v hoteli tak budem cakat kym ma prepadne byndita a nechcem aby ma co ja viem napr. poslal do bezvedomia tak si dam dole zbran a hotovo. toto by som trosku upravil ze support by bu daval vlastnu zbran ale len do urovne napr. 7

co povies ...Lukhas....?


Mohlo by to byť aj tak... Ďakujem za doplnenie aj keď ak by si mal úroveň 99 a on by ťa napadol s obuškom...


Asi nie... Ja som zatiaľ neposielal nič lebo to neviem ani preložiť... a na fóre je taká veľká ochota...:(


[SPOIL]Night and day
A few words of introduction ...
I think this idea has already been, but was not confirmed and revised. For this idea has inspired Wild strains (another game from Innogames)

What is hair
I would like to in The-West distinction was day and night (as in reality). 22:00 From any game occurred in the night. It looked like it did, as it looks now, but:

• Everything should be a little darker
• The seats were added to the lamp or flash-lights, which in the cities lit at night and would be seen on the Minimap
• The more the city could receive, the more it is lighted
• The work should remain a little brighter, in the dark to distinguish between
• In duels: the higher should the attacker the ability to hide, the greater the chance of hitting it - as would lurk, used the moment of surprise which would operate only at night. 1 secretion by adding 0.5 to the accuracy / Operational ... So where should an attacker to hide 20, 10 should be on greater accuracy than the normal
• In duels: the higher should be back TRAPS ambush ability, the greater the chance of hitting it - would expect that the night is not peaceful. Therefore, leghold traps attacker and the attacker should be about 0.5 to less accuracy ... So if the defender had decoy traps 20, the attacker would have 10 less accurate than normal
• The night would have been slower to 10% (eg potkýnal would be, would err ,...)
• At night, you should be able to challenge a wandering thug, that would be NPC. Damage should give according to your current weapon. If you would muzzle (15-31) gave the damage 15-31. Should be controlled Supportom to make it change every day uhýbanie and shot a very could not predict where attacks. Bandit should always be in possession of $ 100 so if you win, you could take him 50 $ 33 + experience. The bandit appeared every night in some city ... Figure in duels would be a classic bandit

Night would be closed for example. about 06:00 and then would continue as normal now. I know that this is only a trifle, but still it would be another thing because that would be The West, more similar to real life

Tak, tu to máte, teraz to už len dajte na net fórum....[/SPOIL]

Je to síce preložené aj keď boli reakcie že je to trochu blbý preklad... Ale ak nikto neurobí nič lepšie do večera tak to večer postnem na .net fórum


Je to síce preložené aj keď boli reakcie že je to trochu blbý preklad... Ale ak nikto neurobí nič lepšie do večera tak to večer postnem na .net fórum

nic nemusis posielat..ked si precitas pravidla a doporucenia pre tuto sekciu, tak sa docitas, ze navrh bude zaslany vyvojarom robi Linteo, ale posielat sa to bude az ked sa zozbiera par navrhov, aby sme zbytocne neposielali kazdy napad zvlast lebo keby im tam kazdu chvilu spamujeme, tak by mohli prestat na nase spravy reagovat :)
samozrejme, nikto ti nebrani svoj navrh poslat na vlastnu past..
Uzavreté pre ďalšie odpovede.