Diskusia k plánovým zmenám pre rok 2011


boze staci si precitat prve dva riadky toho co napisala starbuck a polku toho co nakreslil johny a hned je vidiet ze je to taka kravina ako to ze najdem zajtra 3.kluc


Toto je v 1.31


- Issues with renaming towns and browser cache
- Adventurer product bonus was not shown correctly on jobs
- building point calculation error with Pilgrim set
- text errors
- Jobs at edge of map removed
- Mini map hiding of ghost towns
- town forum survey fix
- skill description bug
- image errors
- market exploit
- item popups
- re-attacking players when signed into a fort battle
- duel bugs -> soweit noch nich gefixt afaik
- job window not fully visible
- duel search -> empty server response
- allicane rights fixes
- quest giver over town
- telgram jumps to page 1 when archiving
- market/ghost town problem
- several admin-tool fixes
- other smaller bugfixes


- haze.png removed
- maximum level is selected per default when sleeping in own hotel
- "show on map" button in town overview
- bb code for alliances
- changes to chest drop rate at fort battle
- quests, items, holiday specials
- players can sign in to fort battles of allied forts from afar
- duel and fort battle reports show more detailed information

New features:

- bonus code feature
- item comparison
- poker
- facebook integration (not yet activated)
- send money via bank transfer (activated per version)
- equip manager
- crafting
- new tutorial and introduction questline
- buffs (not finished yet)


The-west sa stane dizajnovo dosť dobre, snáď bude aj full screen a nie hrať na mini obrazovke. Dúfam že pribudne v panely s nastavením aj nejaké iné nastavanie tykajúceho sa obrazovke aj rozlíšením.